20 February 2010

Book list for 2010

Book Count so far for 2010: ten
1) Heat Wave by "Richard Castle"
2) About a Boy by Nick Hornby
3) Pirate Latitudes by the sadly defunct Michael Crichton
4) All six of the Rebecca books in American Girls series, but just counted as one book because they're so thin.
5) Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
6) Anthem by Ayn Rand
7) Rest You Merry (a Peter Shandy Mystery) by Charlotte MacLeod
8) Specials by Scott Westerfeld
9) Ice Palace by Edna Ferber
10) The Hand of Mary Constable by Paul Gallico

Onward and Upward!


  1. Have you read anything else by Hornby? He's one of my absolute favorite writers. His newest book, Juliet, Naked, is fantastic. I highly recommend it!

    Also, I meant to vote on your poll the other day and I forgot. I also support Rahab's story, but I have only read that one. I'd love to read more, and I would love for you to finish it!

  2. THanks for your vote, Bailey. Yes, I've also read A Long Way Down, and I own Fever Pitch (saving it for later). I've not yet bought Juliet, Naked, although I will probably break down and get it soon. I love him, too! I love his writing style plus his British humour. I'm not going to get High Fidelity, though, becuase I didn't really enjoy the movie.

  3. I would highly recommend High Fidelity the book - it's incredibly better than the movie. There's just so much in the narrative that doesn't come across in the movie - but you know that.

    I also read How to be Good this summer, which was good. Not my favorite, but it was interesting and thought-provoking.
