28 September 2009

First day at the Mustang Chamber of Commerce

So here's what I learned today--
I LOVE having a "real" job. I sat at a desk for seven hours and worked really hard on something (and it was really frustrating, let me tell you) and talked with my boss when she wasn't busy on the phone, and generally had a great time. And then I said, "I think I'll finish this project on Wednesday," wrote on my time sheet, and left. And I can bring my own lunch and twirl around in my swivel chair and store my papers in the cabinet that my boss cleared out for me.
And I can never go back to work at Sonic again.

Quote of the Day:
something from Psych, but I can't think of it right now. Just go watch the latest episode yourself.

22 September 2009

Leaving so soon?

I think love is when you want to whine that you never get to see a certain person but in reality it's only been a few days...or hours.

In other news, I'm super excited about the announcement Joss Whedon made about Dr. Horrible II :)

18 September 2009

love the one you're with

Today one of my friends' facebook statuses read, "I thank God so much for the love of ***** he's given me."
This seems to me to be one of the most retarded statements I have ever heard. I mean, what else is a person going to say: "Dear God, how could you have made me love this activity? I hate it so much!"
Do you really think that God is going to make you love something that you don't want to, or make you unhappy that you love a certain hobby?
If you love something, of course you're going to be grateful for every minute that God allows it to be in your life. My prayer is, "God, thank you so much for allowing me to do something that I love, with people that I love, and please remind me to always use my love [of writing, singing, and photography] to show your glory."

17 September 2009

The closed door

Lately I've been writing with the door closed (read King's "On Writing" to know what that means). King says that's a good thing, that authors should write for themselves first, and write for readers the second draft, but lately I've been feeling that if I keep writing for myself I won't ever get up the motivation to even get to the second draft. If I keep writing things I want to write about then it'll end up sounding like Twilight--a perfect indulgence of my favorite fantasies, but not a very good, hard core, realistic story that deserves to be published.

Once Upon a Time, In a Galaxy Far, Far, Away... (an idea that needs a response)

Magic was discovered by some lame explorer who stumbled across the Dragon’s cave. The Dragon, whose name is yet to be revealed, is sort of like the god here, protects the power of magic and many other powers that he believes that humans aren’t ready to handle just yet. This lame explorer from Flubber had heard rumors of the dragon and had gone out to see if they were true. When he found the dragon, he became greedy and wanted the magic for his people. The dragon told him that it was unsafe and warned him of the years of strive and hardship that such power would bring them, but the dude wouldn’t listen so the dragon, always an advocate of free will, let him take the magic back to the humans. That was how it came into Pocatello. The dragon found a different cave, farther away so they couldn’t find him and steal the rest of his stuff, but close enough so that he could keep an eye on them whenever they needed his help. But they never called on him because they thought that now that they had magic they could do it by themselves.

16 September 2009


Thought of the Day:
It really sucks that a person can't see a mess that isn't there. All they see is the part you missed, not what you got. So if you leave a spot on the floor, they yell at you. Never mind that it was crunchy and gross and required back-breaking work to clean the floor and you only missed that one spot because your wrist was tired by that time. You're still going to get yelled at. I guess that's why so often I feel like relinquishing my rag and scrub brush and letting everything stay a mess, so that somebody else can see just how bad it was before I cleaned it.
It sometimes feels like that in life, too. That people only see the bad parts of you and never take the time to realize all the good parts about you, all the things that could be wrong but aren't. I know I have faults, and I've been working on them, but even after all these years I still do things that I shouldn't. Can't people just accept that I do it less often than I used to and get over it? Can't they give me brownie points for trying?
Or am I just complaining about something that I should instead be fixing? We should all be striving for perfection, so why should I be upset when other people get upset that I'm not perfect?

13 September 2009

Question of the Day:
What is it like to feel the need to save the world but to know that nobody wants your help? How hard is it to have to break down and ask somebody else for help when you feel like you have more power than anybody else?

Idea that needs response:
I was going to have "Into the Flames" end with Ray asking Bracken for help in the mysterious disappearance of Jean and Hawkins, and in that way he found out they were like him and he was forced to get to know them. What if, instead, he knew all along but refused to acknowledge their sameness until he is forced to ask for their help? He has a younger sister who has the potential to be Lydia from Pride and Prejudice if need be.

Quote of the Day:
Sometimes I get so weird I freak myself out.
--Avril Lavigne

10 September 2009

The Passing of Time

Thought of the Day:
Well, since I already about my thoughts about twinhood, I thought today I would comment on the passing of time. It's weird how everybody gets hyped up about a special day. We'll take birthdays for starters since today is mine. People take a certain day and just go, "Ten years ago today such and such happened," but that always bugs me because due to the fact that a year is 365.25 days, is it really exactly ten years ago that particular day? People seem to forget this fact even though it is clearly evident in the fact that it's always going to be on a different day of the week. I don't really know for sure exactly where the earth was around the sun last year, but when can we be certain that it has been a year? And what does that mean, really, other than that the earth has revolved around the sun? What is a day except that the sun has rotated around on its axis? Why are these measurments of time important to us?
And let's talk about holidays. Christmas, Veterans' Day, Presidents' Day, just about every one except Easter, is just an arbitrary day that we have chosen to celebrate something momentous in history. So why does everybody get so set on that certain day (certain family members, I might just be talking about you)? It's just something somebody else has chosen. Days aren't important, it's the actions we take on that day that make them special. I don't wake up in the middle of November and suddenly feel warm and fuzzy inside because Hannukah has started. I'm not going to wake up on February 14th and feel older just because it is the Korean New Year.
To God, each day is like a thousand years, and vice versa. Let's strive to make every day important, and then get together with our families every chance we get and make those occasions special and memorable. I don't care when it is. Let's take our September Saturday, for example. It's rarely in September anymore. Sometimes it's not even on a Saturday. But we still all remember it, and talk about it, and eat a lot, and play games, and wish we never had to leave.
And after saying all this, I'm glad it's my birthday and that people noticed it. I'm sorry I forgot to call my sister at 8:23 am (even though with daylight savings it probably should have been either 7:23 or 9:23) and wish her a good day. I mean, she called me at 9:11, but it just isn't the same. and now I will commemorate this day by washing the dishes and doing laundry. Yay!

01 September 2009


Thought of the Day:
I was thinking this morning of that time when Mara and I were about eight and she got invited to a birthday party and I didn't. I don't think it had ever occurred to me before that time that anybody could think of us as seperate units like that. No, I don't mean that I thought were the exactly the same person, but I didn't realize that somebody could like one of us and not the other, or that other people other than me or Mara realized that we were different personalities and, in fact, disagreed with each other quite frequently. I just figured that all anybody saw of us were Mara and Jessie, whom you were either friends with or not. And now, over ten years later, it's hard to believe that most people don't look at us and immediately know that we're twins, not know that some where out there, in Norman or Edmond or Mustang, there's a person out there who is our other half, waiting for us to join together again.
All this to say, I'm glad that we're seperate people and have different lives (and husbands), but it's also good to know that there's always someone out there who's...you know...my twin.
ps the tags for this are twins and Mara, but aren't the two synonymous?

Quote of the Day:
Fine. But I'm not stripping for them.
--Jesca Yandell to Matthew Brotherton, Sonic Drive-In

Soundtrack of the Day:
painters on the second floor of the Library