28 September 2009

First day at the Mustang Chamber of Commerce

So here's what I learned today--
I LOVE having a "real" job. I sat at a desk for seven hours and worked really hard on something (and it was really frustrating, let me tell you) and talked with my boss when she wasn't busy on the phone, and generally had a great time. And then I said, "I think I'll finish this project on Wednesday," wrote on my time sheet, and left. And I can bring my own lunch and twirl around in my swivel chair and store my papers in the cabinet that my boss cleared out for me.
And I can never go back to work at Sonic again.

Quote of the Day:
something from Psych, but I can't think of it right now. Just go watch the latest episode yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that Castle is back on? There are two new episodes on hulu! Yay!
    I'm very happy for you and your swivel chair :)
