04 November 2009

NaNo update

Well let's just say that I'm not doing too well. I'm already 1000 words behind my personal goal and this story is starting to get old. I'm ready to work on something else! Hopefully I'm just overreacting and only reluctant to work on this story because it's the second chapter and I need to get to the more interesting parts.
In other news, I am working three days in a row and the Mustang Chamber of Commerce while my boss is at a convention. I'm hoping to be able to find many things to do in the office while she is gone. Lately my duties have been getting done quickly and I find myself searching for things after lunch time.
and since that is all my life consists of right now (nanowrimo and work), I must end my blog here.


  1. Remember, you can write the interesting bits now, if you want! I'm writing the end of my novel right now because it felt more interesting and I wasn't inspired to write where I was supposed to be in the plot. And I logged almost 2000 words yesterday. You can go back and fill in when you get done with that, and probably will have figured out something good to write.

    What's your NaNo name? Let's be NaNo friends :)

  2. There is no way to comment on your blog as a whole that I see, so I am saying here: I love the new look of your blog. High five.

  3. ta! btw, we have season four and you can have it when we're done re-watching it.
