07 December 2010

Post NaNoWriMo Plans

Now that the frenzy of NaNoWriMo is over, most people like to breathe, take a step back, and then delve into revision everything that they've just spewed out over the course of November. For me, while Bracken may one day become his own novel, nanowrimo was more the process of understand Bracken's backstory so that I could more richly develop his character in Into the Flames. December is a busy month, and I'm feeling starved for some good reading, so here's my personal game plan for my writing:
Christmas and finishing a good book in December and looking for more good books to read
Easing into working on Into the Flames in January, filling in a few scenes
Forcing myself to finishing writing the extra scenes in February and March
And then printing out my story and really cracking down on that third draft in April and those sultry summer months.
Oh, and let's not forget those book reviews I should be writing for the Consortium. Know any good recently published Kindle books for under $10? Let me know and I'll read and review it. And hopefully my blog will be up soon (hint hint, Sean) so that I can start reviewing books on there as well. Wow, just writing all this down makes me feel so busy. I better get started reading!

-So many books, so little time.-

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