01 September 2009


Thought of the Day:
I was thinking this morning of that time when Mara and I were about eight and she got invited to a birthday party and I didn't. I don't think it had ever occurred to me before that time that anybody could think of us as seperate units like that. No, I don't mean that I thought were the exactly the same person, but I didn't realize that somebody could like one of us and not the other, or that other people other than me or Mara realized that we were different personalities and, in fact, disagreed with each other quite frequently. I just figured that all anybody saw of us were Mara and Jessie, whom you were either friends with or not. And now, over ten years later, it's hard to believe that most people don't look at us and immediately know that we're twins, not know that some where out there, in Norman or Edmond or Mustang, there's a person out there who is our other half, waiting for us to join together again.
All this to say, I'm glad that we're seperate people and have different lives (and husbands), but it's also good to know that there's always someone out there who's...you know...my twin.
ps the tags for this are twins and Mara, but aren't the two synonymous?

Quote of the Day:
Fine. But I'm not stripping for them.
--Jesca Yandell to Matthew Brotherton, Sonic Drive-In

Soundtrack of the Day:
painters on the second floor of the Library

1 comment:

  1. Who's birthday was that? I remember the incident...I kinda remember thinking it was cool that we weren't a unit, but I didn't wanna go without you. Remember when we had the conversation about if it was "Mara and Jessie" or "jessie and Mara". And each of us had the other one first.
    Yeah, just today yet another lady I work with found out I'm a twin. It's so weird how surprised people are when I feel like it is plastered on my face that I'm connected to another person. And i'm also surprised when people can't hear it when I say "my sister".
